After really thinking back about the whole year I am amazed by how much work I have done. This is probably the only class that I didn’t get bored working. It is not like the work we did was easy but the way worked on it and the way it was presented to us was the best. I never had to work under the pressure of working and I never got tired and wanted to kill myself for working on a project. Also the way that Mr. C made us work was amazing. There were very few moments when Mr. C showed us how to solve something unless it was very critical. We had to discover different ways to solve a problem and work accordingly. This skill of independent working helped me a lot in my other classes as well. I really think it is a very important skill for every individual. Working independently takes care of one of the biggest which is depending on someone for something. Personally I am a very independent person and I hate to depend on someone for something. Depending on someone can cause a lot of problems. Some of the problems that I have faced are that the other person is not responsible enough. Working with irresponsible person is the worst thing. It is a horrible feeling and unfortunately I have to face that quiet often. Apart from that I have also discovered many new things in terms of new technology and also problem solving. I am very happy that I got the opportunity to take this class. Unfortunately enough we need to take it only once and I have to choose something for next year. Hopefully it is going to be as amazing as this was but it is quite unlikely that it is going to happen.

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